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Send Files to Yamaha-Enduros.com!

This page is for one purpose - to allow users to transfer larger PDF files or other files such as videos to us for posting to the site. Our front end document upload will only accept documents up to about 2 megabytes in size - not enough for a service manual or video. This feature will allow you to upload up to a 300 MB File which should cover most anything you can think of.

Files will be sent to our Dropbox and then we will manually FTP them to the appropriate place on the site.

Upload Files through fileinbox.com

 This link will open into a new page.

Please send us a note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. advising us what files you have sent. 

We get a lot of files and want to give everyone credit for things we post. You will get a "Content Contributor" badge on your profile for documents or other files we use. Please see if we already have the file before uploading.

Thanks in advance for the support and contributions! MAKO
